On Pleasure Seeking

God made us as pleasure seekers.  We are made to seek out and make decisions based on what will bring us the most happiness or pleasure.  This made perfect sense in the Garden of Eden, but now, not so much.  When we make decisions in this way we tend to avoid the situations which will bring us emotional or spiritual pain, however, the pain we are avoiding is always the result of sin, maybe not our sin, maybe someone else’s sin against us.

To resolve the pain, we need to face the discomfort, acknowledge its cause and deal with that cause according to God’s plan.  Philippians 1:6 says, “being confident of this very thing, (listen up folks, this is important) that He who has begun a good work in you (Jesus Christ and His Spirit) will complete it (He takes the responsibility and makes it happen) until the day of Jesus Christ (this is the full story of the Christian Life);”  So He keeps allowing situations in our lives with will bring up the discomfort He wants us to face, but each one is a little more painful, until our pleasure seeking nature decides it is less painful to face the issue He wants us to than it is to avoid it… The pleasure-seeking principle in reverse.

So it’s wise to face the emotional pain early on and not have to experience the more difficult pain which inevitably comes later.