God Deals With Me

God only deals with individuals. When a family, or a community, or a city, or state, or nation is blessed, it is because of the individuals within that group who have given control of their lives over to God. This is evident in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:33, where God would have spared those cities if 10 righteous men could be found. So the responsibility to respond toGod’s call on our life rests completely with the individual. Many people are often aware of a tragic or fantastic situation that has happened to themselves or to someone else, and God has a different purpose for each person.

This is true no matter how close we are to another person, such as our spouse, who may be responding to a situation in a way that seems unacceptable to us. We do not have the right to hold anyone else accountable for their response, especially our spouse. That is God’s right and responsibility only.

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