God’s Persistence

Philippians 1:6 says 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; The scripture is saying… “Listen up. This is important. Jesus takes full responsibility for your spiritual growth once you make Him lord of your life. This growth will happen, regardless of whatever means He has to use to get it done, and this will go on for the rest of your life here on this earth.”

It is more important to Jesus that you grow spiritually than it is to Him for you to have a good marriage. He will use issues in your marriage to get yourattention about where He wants you to grow spiritually. Sometimes if we cling to the value that marriage is for life, it becomes more difficult to ignore His efforts to get us to make the changes He wants from us. Since He takes the responsibility for our growth, if we continue to side-step what he wants, He keeps bringing it back, only each time it is with more emotional and/or spiritual pain.

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