Good and Not-So-Good of Female Minds

Women’s minds work very differently than men’s.  That is both good and bad.  The strength of women’s minds is that the communication neurons which connect the right and left brains are quite vast in number.  If that communication were cars, information would travel back and forth as if on an eight-lane freeway in, North Dakota.  So women know almost immediately how they both think and feel about any situation.

This enables women to put those evaluations into words much more quickly than men.  This is why women talk more than men.  This is also why women make much better multi-taskers than men.  These are all very good strengths that women have.

However, any strength, when overused, becomes a weakness.  For example, because women know THEIR full evaluation of the situation, there is a tendency to believe that is the full truth when it is really only her truth.  Also, because women put things together so quickly, they expect the men around them to be able to do the same, but men have different strengths.  Reread the post on men’s minds at

When a woman is talking to a man, it works best if she states how she sees things, which will be easy for her, and then gives the man the time to process the meaning of what she just said.  It may take some time.  And don’t expect him to state right away his thoughts and feelings.  For this author, it takes just about overnight to put together fully all thoughts and feelings about any important issue.  Give him his time without continuing to address the issue either directly or with hints.

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