How to Communicate With A Man

Obviously, this post’s aim is to help females communicate better with males.  This is most applicable in marriage but applies to any situation.  Men speak and listen in Male, and women speak and listen in Female.  They are two different languages.  If you want to communicate better with a man, you need to learn the Male language.

FIRST, accept that men do not have good communication between their thoughts and their emotions.  When he first speaks on a matter it will either be from a logical position or from an emotional position but very rarely from both.  Though there is communication in the male mind between thoughts and feelings, it is like on a two-lane mountain road.  It takes a good while to get through; as much as a whole day.  So if you want to have good communication with a man, you must develop patience.  Give him a day or so after he states his position on a matter with the option of altering his comments once the thoughts and emotions get together in the same place.  Just give him that time.

SOOOO, it does absolutely no good to restate your position to try to get him to agree with you.  Even if he does agree his position is likely to be altered once his thoughts and emotions get together.   State where you are and why, but ONLY ONCE.  He has heard you.  Drop it and let him consider.  You could revisit the topic in a day or two to see if his position is still the same.

He does speak a different language and if you want effective communication, your best approach is to learn his language.  That will also help encourage him to lean your language.

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