How To Communicate With A Woman

Hello men.  Here’s your chance to learn the female language.  In women, communication between logic and emotions is lightning fast.  The communication between the two happens on eight-lane freeways so to speak.  This is why women talk with so many more words than men.  They know their mind on the subject, no more thinking to do, so it comes out in the form of spoken words.  So men, just listen and make sure she knows you are listening.  Show you are listening by making comments which encourage her to continue expressing.  DO NOT at this time express where you are on the matter.  If you do it will be from a logical or emotional position, typical of the male language, and she is listening in female.  You don’t know yet where you are both emotionally and logically regarding the subject at hand.

She will likely be talking, at least in part of her conversation, about a problem for which you can see an easy solution.  DO NOT state your solution.  She does not want to hear a solution, she just wants to be listened to.  So state comments which let her know you really are listening.  Then, a day or so later, when you have put together your thoughts and feelings on the matter at hand, let her know you’ve been thinking about it here is how you see it.  Your comments will include both thoughts and feelings and you will be communicating in her language.  She will absolutely love you for doing that.

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