Male And Female Minds Are Very Different

Female and male minds work very differently.  Hormones released before birth set each mind up to work in a way consistent with one’s gender.

In addition, the left brain is our logical side and the right brain is our emotional side.  Just as we can be left-handed or right-handed, we are also either left brained or right brained, and males or females can be either.  That is why a member of either gender can be an excellent scientist or an excellent artist.

However, the communication between the two sides of the brain is very different depending on gender.  Men can easily block that communication because there are few neuro-connectors between the sides.  This enables men to block the emotional side when duty demands it and visa versa.  It also means that men have one track minds.  Women, on the other hand, have vast numbers of connectors between the two sides which let them know almost immediately how they think AND feel about any situation.  This helps them put things into words much quicker than men, and it allows women to multi-task quite easily.

In marriage, these differences have a powerful  influence on how we get along.  It is wise for either gender to understand and accept these differences as they affect day to day relationships.

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