Anger is an Escape

We escape to anger when the first emotion is too difficult or painful.

Jesus did have anger as an emotion, but it was after a primary emotion.  The most common example of that is when Jesus drove the money changers and merchants selling livestock for sacrifices out of the temple.  This incident is recorded in all four gospels but none of them say He was angry.  We assume because of His actions that He was angry and that is probably a safe assumption.  However, the book of John in John 2:17 gives us a look at His primary emotion where it says, Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.”  His primary emotion was zeal.

It is interesting that the money changers could pick up their money though it was dumped over and continue their business elsewhere.  Those who had cattle and sheep could gather up their herds and do business again.  Those who had doves could not have caught them again so Jesus just told them to take them away.  He didn’t destroy anyone’s livelihood.

Another time Jesus was angry is found in Mark 3:5 where it says, And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”   His primary emotion was grief for the Sadducees which became anger.

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