Testimony – Will’s care helped us through our marriage struggles

My husband and I met Will at the beginning of this year. We were on the verge of getting a divorce and marital counseling was our last resort.

I did not know if marriage counseling was going to work but I was desperate to save our marriage and our family, so I gave it a try. However, because Will was a man, I was concerned that he wouldn’t be able to relate to me. But to my surprise, he was very understanding. I felt like he truly cared for me and it made me feel comfortable enough to open up to him. Will always started his marriage counseling with prayer. He believes that we need the Holy Spirit to lead us and heal us. He always listened to both side of the story. I felt like he was very fair and did not favor one over the other. Most importantly, I did not feel condemned or judged. He just encouraged us to do things different the next time around.

One thing I like about Will is that he’s very transparent about the mistakes that he made in his own marriage and how he learned to do things differently. It made me feel like he can understand where I was coming from. He shared with me about his childhood and his struggles and I immediately felt like I can relate to his story. His childhood was very similar to mine. I really appreciated that he was willing to be transparent about it because it made me feel like I wasn’t the only one that struggled in those areas.

Will is also a very straight to the point kind of person and he’s not afraid to tell the truth. I appreciate his honesty and he always spoke with love and kindness. He was very upfront with both my husband and I as to where things went south between us. For my husband and I, he pointed it out that it was the way we handled little issues in our marriage. We did not communicate in a way that made the other person feel heard and respected. Will taught us how to not use “you” but simply state “this is how it made me feel”. It was very hard to do but it worked. Will gave us so many other practical advices that we were able to apply right away. He was also very punctual with our session and respected our time.

We always ended every session with a prayer and he even offered to be there for us whenever we needed him. I recommend Will because he’s very caring, genuine, and wise. He’s a man of integrity and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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