What To Do With Anger

Most of us choose to just sweep anger under the rug.  We do this by giving it a less offensive name like disgust, or frustration, or disappointment.  When we avoid anger it just gains more power over us.  Then it is more likely to cause an explosion which damages others and our relationship with them, including our spouse.

With all its pet names, admit anger early on and own it as your own.  If you allow someone else to MAKE you angry, you have given away the control of your emotions to them.  If we have given away the control of our emotions then we do not have our own choices regarding how to handle it, and we cannot allow God to help us deal with anger.  In Genesis 4:7 God tells Cain to “rule over his anger”.  That can be applied to our anger.  If we have given away the control of our anger, we cannot rule over it.

Ephesians 4:26 tells us to not sin with our anger.  That means to not make someone else pay.  We do that by withdrawing, becoming passive aggressive, or talking negatively about them to others.  When that verse says to not let the sun go down on your wrath, it is saying deal with your anger, rule over it if you will, quickly, or you will take it out on someone else.

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